In the heart of Belgium, Ki-wan, the protagonist of the gripping K-drama “My Name is Loh Kiwan,” emerges as a courageous North Korean defector fighting tirelessly to secure recognition of his refugee status. Find himself entangled in a relentless battle, Ki-wan grapples with the challenges of navigating the unfamiliar terrain of his new home, where he has nothing to his name. The resilient defector, fueled by an unwavering desire to embrace life, faces the daunting task of assimilating into a foreign society while seeking refuge from the shadows of his tumultuous past.

Amidst the complexities of his journey, Ki-wan encounters Marie, a woman who has tragically lost her sense of purpose. As their lives intertwine, a poignant love story unfolds between two souls grappling with adversity. Ki-wan’s fervent determination to survive and the engaging narrative of “My Name is Loh Kiwan” converge with Marie’s search for renewed meaning, creating a powerful exploration of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of displacement and despair. Together, they embark on a journey of love and redemption, navigating the intricate tapestry of their shared struggles in the pursuit of a brighter future in their adopted homeland.

My Name is Loh Kiwan Teaser

My Name is Loh Kiwan Drama Cast

‘My Name is Loh Kiwan’ cast include Seo Hyun Woo, Lee Sang Hee, Lee Il Hwa, Kim Sung Ryung, Jo Han Chul, Choi Sung Eun & Song Joong Ki 

My Name is Loh Kiwan Director & Producer

  • Jang Eun-young & Dragon Film (Producer)
  •  Heejin Kim (Director)

My Name is Loh Kiwan Release Date

  • Network: Netflix
  • Release Date: 1 March 2024
  • Native Title: 로기완

Uzair Ahmed, a prolific blogger, author, and SEO strategist, is the creative force behind—an entertainment blog specializing in Pakistani Dramas, Movies, K Dramas, and actor biographies. With a passion for storytelling, Uzair captivates readers with insightful content on the diverse world of television and cinema at

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