“Missing Crown Prince,” set in the Joseon era, unfolds a delightful romantic comedy as a spirited young man and a charming woman embark on an adventurous escape after a series of tumultuous events. The tale takes an amusing twist as the Crown Prince finds himself at the mercy of the woman destined to become the princess, playfully asserting her authority. As their journey unfolds, the dynamic between the two leads to a blend of humor and romance, offering viewers a captivating and heartwarming experience in this 2024 K-drama.

Source: MBN Korea 

Missing Crown Prince Trailer

Missing Crown Prince Cast

‘Missing Crown Prince’ kdrama cast include Suho, Hong Ye Ji, Myung Se Bin, Kim Min Kyu & Kim Joo Heon

Missing Crown Prince Writer & Director

  • Kim Jin Man (Director)
  • Kim Ji Soo & Park Chul (Writer)

Missing Crown Prince Release Date

  • Network: MBN
  • Release Date: 09 March 2024
  • Time: 09:40 P.M. Sat & Sun
  • Native Title: 세자가 사라졌다

Uzair Ahmed, a prolific blogger, author, and SEO strategist, is the creative force behind Startalkwithme.com—an entertainment blog specializing in Pakistani Dramas, Movies, K Dramas, and actor biographies. With a passion for storytelling, Uzair captivates readers with insightful content on the diverse world of television and cinema at startalkwithme.com.

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