In the gripping tale of “Dao Drama,” the protagonist, Almas, finds herself thrust into the challenging role of a single mother after the untimely demise of her husband. Determined to provide a secure future for her children, she ventures into the entrepreneurial world, establishing a successful salon. However, her ambition knows no bounds, leading her to dabble in the intricate realm of matchmaking.

As Almas delves deeper into her dual professions, her unchecked avarice transforms her into a duplicitous figure, employing deceit in both her salon and matchmaking endeavors. Her actions reverberate through the lives of those around her, particularly impacting the delicate dynamics of marriage, as well as the relationship between a son and her daughter-in-law.

At the heart of the narrative is the strained relationship between Almas and her daughter-in-law, Nisha. Almas, portrayed by the talented Atiqa Odho, assumes the role of a tyrannical mother-in-law, subjecting Nisha to oppression and ultimately contributing to the dissolution of her marriage to Saad.

The plot thickens when Nisha’s brother, fueled by a sense of justice for his mistreated sister, embarks on a quest for revenge against both Almas and Saad. The drama unfolds as alliances shift, secrets surface, and characters grapple with the consequences of their actions.

“Dao Drama” is a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and the intricate interplay of familial relationships. Audiences are kept on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the twists and turns that will shape the fates of the characters involved. The story promises a rollercoaster of emotions as it explores the complexities of love, revenge, and redemption in the tumultuous world that Almas has woven for herself and those around her.

Dao Drama OST & Teaser

Dao Drama Cast

Dao Drama Cast include Arez Ahmed, Kiran Haq, Atiqa Odho, Haroon Shahid, Ayesha Rajput, Seemi Pashash, Ayesha Gul, Yasir Shoro, Memoona Qudoos, Yasir Alam, Malaika Riaz, Ellie Zaid

Dao Drama Writer, Director & Producer

Drama Writer

Sameena Aijaz

Sameena Aijaz Writer

Drama Director

Ali Akber

Drama Producer

Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi

Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi

Dao Drama Release Date

  • Channel: Geo TV
  • Release Date:  4th March 2024 
  • Time: 7:00 P.M. Daily

Uzair Ahmed, a prolific blogger, author, and SEO strategist, is the creative force behind—an entertainment blog specializing in Pakistani Dramas, Movies, K Dramas, and actor biographies. With a passion for storytelling, Uzair captivates readers with insightful content on the diverse world of television and cinema at

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